Chapter 1 How Do You Know?

Day One Of the Jonas suspense.....
Mom: Katherine Jessica James get down Here This Instant!!!
I knew that I had done something wrong...she pulled out the full name. uh-oh I thought to myself 'what? what did I do?'
I walked down with a full head of bed head.
I'm a total girlie girl. I hate bed head.
Me:what...w-w-w-what? what did I do wrong?
Mom: Nothing Silly! I'v ebeen trying to get you out of bed for a while! You're gonna be late for school!
Me: ugh ok let me go do my make up and hair....rudie!
Rudie is the word that i used when I was little... I'm just calling someone rude when I use it.

Once I get to school....
Me:Hey Kell....
Kelly: Oh hey Kate!!
Me: I don't get why the gave me first period-
I get cut off by Kell...
Kelly:SO.... do you know who you're taking to that concert?
Me: ugh don't remind me.... I know that you're gonna try to get back at Kevin... when he did nothing.
Me:... or maybe you just didn't care about what wa sin the inside...and...and now that he's just want to go back for him!
Kelly:Hey don't talk to me like that you b-
The bell cuts her off.
In Gym class I run into
Josh. Joash is Kelly's Ex.
We Talk..... and as the day goes by...
I realize that my life is about to change.
I walk outside of the school when school is over....
to see some people standing outside....
I scream and my friends drop there books.
get down on their knees...crying...
I look over at the people and scream....

to be continued...

(sorry I suck)
October 11th, 2008 at 07:42pm