Green Day Recording Songs/Sounds?

Hmm how to start this out? I have no clue... but I'll try my best. It's been a while since my last entry, but I still have kept a promise... anyways. I was online yesterday on my GSB account, and I came across some very awesome information.

Yes, it is Green Day information... hence the title of this entry. Anyways I'll just say it straight out.

The leader singer of Garbage, Shirley Manson, announced that Vig, drummer of Garbage, was going to be producing the new album. The album is not one of their own, but one of the best bands in the world. Green Day's new album will be produced by Vig. However, the announcement hasn't been confirmed by any official source yet aside from Shirley

I know, I'm just as excited as all the other Green Day fans! It has also been said that the new Green Day album would be expected to be released sometime around 2009. Only a year... okay less than a year away. Yay!

And for all the Green Day fans... here is a video of Billie Joe Armstrong recording something, possibly a piece of their new album.

(PS All the italic writing is from the site Check it out for other Green Day news.)
October 11th, 2008 at 08:50pm