Gahh damnit.

Its 7:36, everyone is leaving for the homecoming dance. Except me of course. Why? Because my school is a bunch of idiots and put me on the debt list to books I've never even heard of and are charging me $140.00 for them. I. AM. SURE. AS. HELL. NOT. PAYING. THAT. So yeah, because of that I can't go. I have to sit hear alone. D: JESUS HATES ME DAMNIT. And of course my boyfriend calls me before he leaves to tell me he's leaving and he's gunna be all alone and shiz which makes me feel even worse. It's such bull shit. Gahhh. B[ I didn't even wanna go anyways..... I mean its a dance... and I don't dance... Or wear dresses.... But I still wanted to hang out with my boyfriend and friends and stuff. Gahhh.

Anyways yesterday was epic. Eh normal friday, 2,4,6, periods. Pep rally at the end of 6th. Hung out with Dylan (boyfriend), Rachel, Hollie, and Cree. (bestfriends) Then after school me, Dylan, Andrew, and Cree stayed after school for the homecoming football game. (We waited outside in the hotness from 3:25 to -7- and didn't go home till like 10:30 D:) But yeah we hung out in the school parking lot for a while then they kicked us out and we went to this ghetto store nearby and chilled then walked back to the school and hung out at the corner.

Dylan and Andrew were party boying and other things at cars going by. One gangster looking white guy decided to stop, turn around swiftly, pull up in the grass beside us and was like "Ya'll gotza prollem?" They were just like "Nah, just want a laugh" and the guy is like "iight." -meanwhile his gf or whatever in the passenger seat is laughing her ass off- Then the guy pulls up a little in front of us. He gets OUT OF HIS CAR, goes through his back seat, gets back in his car, then pulls off. Then he turns around, slows down while driving by us , /HOLDS UP A GUN/, and says "Next time don't something something i forget" and speeds off. And we are just CRACKING UP. Bahahahah good times. Gooooood times.

But yeah after than we go back and hang out in a grass part of the parking lot, listen to music and stuff then go to the football field. Dylan tried to kiss me and shiz but..... nah. It was really fun and shizz but I don't feel like typing it all out.

Oh when we were standing on the corner this truck full of rednecks were staring at me like i was like a nice chickan wing they wanted to devour or something. >____>

Butchyeah. Now all the fun is over. And I sitting here watching asian horror films. Alone.


Oh and Dylan and Andrew think the gun was airsoft, so yeah. I DON'T LIVE IN THE GHETTO EVEN THOUGH IT SEEMS LIKE I DO. My school isn't in the ghetto either..... shit theres not even a /real/ ghetto here. Pfffffffffffffft.

October 12th, 2008 at 01:50am