Voting is overrated....

As most of you know, elections are coming to the US.... and suddenly, the world comes to a halt and everyone, even if we're located miles away from this country, start caring about this. Why? Oh yeah... no offense, but elections there are a big show.
Granted, elections are a big entertaining show all over the world, only this one has a lot more publicity.

Suddenly, people all over the world start talking about the importance of voting, of supporting their candidate and making a difference.
They are basically recruiting people to vote. They are trying to convince them to do so, and, for me, that's crap.
I am in a country where we all are obligated to vote for we will be fined or thrown into jail if we don't. And so, we have people that don't really give a shit about our country's future voting. We have ignorant people voting, just giving their votes away to the candidate that gave them a gift and not even thinking about the consequences or even doing some research.

Just recently, my country accepted a constitution that basically fucked us up and threw us into a socialist government. Why? Because the media just showed what they wanted ignorant people to see and they didn't even bother to research a little bit more. And now we're trapped in a country emulating Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and Evo Morales.

You see... most people over there, in the US, vote because they want to. Not for feeling obligated and fearing jail time and a fine. I'd rather have that than millions of people voting because they saw a TV ad that said that they will be released from poverty in less than 2 days.
I'd rather have people that have thoroughly studied their choice and that know what they're doing, at least in their point of view, than having people voting for the same their parents/partners/friends voted for becauase they know nothing better.

Sure, voting as an option does not ensure that choices will be done correctly, and that people will not vote for stupid things, but at least, over there, you have a better chance of actually making a good choice than in other countries like mine. I mean, seriously, our current president actually gave away shoes for really poor towns, but only left shoes. Why? Because, he would only give them the other pair "when he would get elected president"....

For me, voting is a right that all people should have, but that comes with big obligation. Please people, research. Actually try fiding out what consequences will be. Read between the lines and find out what candidate or choice will actually make things better. And if you can't even do that, just please, don't fucking vote....
October 12th, 2008 at 02:58am