Often times we look to deep into what we are doing right and expect to obtain something wrong with it that we disect the good and bring out the evil... Why do we do this? Because it's our way... It's only natural because we are human. Things often are much more than they seem, they are sometimes harder to understand when you try to read too deeply into the details... Sometimes the simple things are the things we should really listen to.

Deniable facts... Things that we deny to ourselves, but others see deeply in our actions... The way we speak... Others precieve us as what we are on the outisde, practically never about what we are on the inside. We always have the need to fit in... The need to be one of the crowd so we aren't seen as some "weirdo" or a "Freak" understanding the facts of life is one thing... Being mature is another... Be a child they tell you, be a child while you still can. Yet when you try to be your real self, or the "child within" then you get odd looks... You're not one of the crowd any more. People think that because you act like a kid (because that's what they say you should do while you have the time) that you AREN'T mature, that you can't have or let alone take responsibility... BS!

If anything you can't judge people right away. Every one is different, every one is there own individual, sure we have similarities, but honestly... Are we all the same? NO.

Don't be one of the crowd. that's what I've always said, but yes, I have followed them...
October 13th, 2008 at 01:17am