Classmates and Creepy Teachers....

Have you ever had a couple of classmates that were in your class that you hate? Well that is what is up with me. I hate my class! Well most of them, some are my friends, some can kiss my ass.

You see, in health class, we had to do a skit about depression and stuff like that. So you can't be that funny with it. Well my group we did a type of phoiba (?) and so we did it, thinking it was a little bit funny. I had to be in a wheel chair and run around the room and acted crazy. We did okay. The highest we could get was a 5, and most people gave us a 2. Jack asses. You can't be funny with depression! And then there was this group that was plain out a car crash and it got a 5 because they were 'funny'. They were not funny, they were stupid. They had no end to the skit and were being off topic.

I have a sense a humor and all, but the fact is, they were stupid. I hate my class! Maybe a couple of days before we did a skit that was serious-ish. It was supposed to be a little bit funny. And they gave it a 1 or 2. Ass hole! I hope they fall off a really tall building. When we try to be funny, they think we suck. And when we try to be serious, they still think we suck. But they laughed at the skit. Immature assholes is what my class is.

Oh and some of my class thinks I'm weird. They have no right to talk. They are stranger then me, and that is saying something. If you met me personally, you would know I'm weird.

Also have you ever had a perverted teacher, or you think is a perv? I believe I do. Our health teacher is like that with me I think. He is also my gym teacher and so one time we had to do push ups and he was behind me. Michelle was infront of me counting how many push ups I can do. When I was done, she said that our teacher was watching me the whole time. Looking at my ass. And then at lunch everyday, he is there. And he is always behind me when I am getting up. Creep...
October 13th, 2008 at 06:11am