And he ended it...

Well as the title suggests, Charlie ended it with me. Was only 2 weeks but tbh i really liked him.
Basically what happened: [msn]

I was talking to my friend and she tells me that apparantly charlie got off with another girl when he was drunk on saturday.

So i asked him about it and he just said "I DIDNT GET OFF WITH HER. FOR GODS SAKE THIS HAPPENS EVERY TIME"
and went offline.

Then later i go to my brothers room [yes it is odd but my brother is one of my best friends]
and ask if i can borrow his phone to text charlie
and he was like but hes online :S
so i pretended to be my brother and asked him to unblock me so i could talk to him
i waited to see if he replied which he didnt, so i went back to my room to see if he was talking to me on msn.

I get back to my room and he is.
we had a very long conversation where he said
that he thought i trusted him so why would i ask him if he cheated
and that or relationship was going nowhere [its been 2 weeks ffs!]
and that maybe he was too old for me [hes 2 years older...not that much different tbh]
and because im not sexually active ad he is he doesnt wana hurt me
and im not as experienced as him
and that he gets alot of stick at school [thats mainly becuse my brother is in his year so loads of people find it weird and stuff] but then said that wasnt a valid reason

so anyway i was like if youre going to dump me just get it over with please?
and he was like but idk, part of me wants to end it but part of me wants to keep it going and i just got to work out which is the bigger part

then after some more discussion about the previous topics
he finally decided to end it
and i just said okay if thats what you want then okay
and he said he didnt want me to think it was because of the age gap
so i was like so its because im not as experienced?
and he was like no no that makes it seem like it was all about the physical lust which it wasnt
so i was like hang on...why was it then?
and he said idk i just dont know
i was like great...

he said he still likes me and probably always will tbh

and alot of stuff like "i feel like such a wanker" "im such a shitbag" "hate me if you want"
but i was just like no youre not and i dont wanna hate you [tbh i hardly ever hate my exes, one of them is one of my best friends]

then we were just talking as if we would before

and i was talking to my brother about it today and he said that apparantly charlie was crying and really upset about the whole thing
and apparantly he never cries
but he ended it with me
and im not that bothered tbh
it kinda makes me feel bad =\
well i didnt even cry
but yeah i still like him and am kinda confused

sorrry long boring journal...
October 13th, 2008 at 11:26pm