I like my life, do you?

i actually think you should answer that question up there (:
Dont you hate it when you go to do something then forget what it is
yeah, ive just done that
ive come to write a journal and there were 2 points to it
but i forget one
if i remember i'll put it in....

Okay so i have to do a job study [if you read my jounrals you might've remembered me mentioning it like 3 weeks ago]
so we've had about a month to do it
but ive left it till the last minute and now have like just over a week to do it
its between three jobs:

I need to find someone to interview and also need to do some research on them
therefore i need to decide which to do pretty soon
anyone wanna help me chose
im mainly thinking pyschologist or buyer

I also think that theyre all spelt pretty weridy [cept for buer ofc lol]

I still cant remember my second point
so im going to leave you with 2 pointless facts which Emilly just told me (:

If you yelled for 8 years ,7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough energy to heat a cup of coffee.

4,000 people are injured by tea pots every year.
October 14th, 2008 at 09:18pm