Did you ever love me?

Okay, people. I am sick and tired of updating and spending time that could be used toward something, well, not productive (but you get the point), when no one ever even comments or gives any feedback. I know I've threatened this before, but I am completely serious: this continues and nothing changes, it's hiatus time for me. And this time, I am serious. And I will NOT come back for quite some time, if ever. I am tired of doing my best to write stories that no one seems to care about. If it makes you feel better, I will even comment your stories/poems more thanI wver have before. Again, if thiis doesn't change, it will be adieu. . . for good.

{ sorry for any typing errors. I am using my cell phone and it doesn't like me today }
October 14th, 2008 at 10:08pm