in essence.


basically, i don't care anymore.
i'm sick of people, i'm sick of school, i'm sick of work, i'm sick of life.
i'm over it all.

i have too much shit to deal with and not enough time.
i don't need other people's problems on top of my own.
i don't want to hear it.

i have a few things to say to a few people, without actually saying them.

1. it sucks that things happened the way they did, but you can't blame me for the decisions of other people.
so stop bugging me. i'm sorry, but i can't fix this. i hav emy own relationship to deal with. i don't need yours, too. been there, done that, wrote the mother fucking book.

2. i really made a mistake. i'm sorry. okay? so just drop it. it's not gonna happen. i've made my decsion; i made it a long time ago. so please, just stop. you're only making it harder for me, because i don't want to hurt you. again. damnit.

3. wow, i miss hanging out with you. you're amazingly talented in a million different areas, and i'm jealous, haha. i hope that whatever helped us grow apart helps us grow back together and learn from one another.

4.i need you. more than air. i'm addicted to you. everything about you. this. everything. i love you.

5. well, i never thought i'd say this, but i like you, too. you can't be mad at him, haha. it's not his fault you're amazing and hilarious and gorgeous, and i don't know why no one else sees that. because it's true. i'm always here for you, if you ever need it. which is why i can't tell you this,because you'd probably be really weirded out. but, anyways... =]

that's only a few of them, but i'm out of time.
,ore later.
now to caribou with caiti, who i haven't seen in eons.
[eace love and skittles.
October 15th, 2008 at 03:46am