My super-amazing experience of watching "Death Note" at the movie theatre!

Before I relate my awesome experience, I must give a bit of an introduction.

Surprisingly, I don't have a whole lot of friends who are into anime, manga, and/or Japanese culture. I had to make new friends when I started junior high (grade seven, grade eight). I didn't make many, but they were all generally first.

"What happened next?" you may ask. Or you may not, I dunno. But what happened is that they all slowly started progressing into the emo subculture. This continued into high school. Then in grade ten I left my regular school for a semester to go to a special environmental program. When I returned, my best friend was smoking, all her friends were smoking, and she had made about twenty new friends. And they had all gone from emo to scene, which -- at my school -- is like an emo who isn't depressed, and who is really loud and obnoxious and completely insane. For the last semester of grade ten I was constantly surrounded by these crazy, black-clad, make-up covered psychos. I actually like their freaky spirits, but since I'm still totally normal, they kind of ignore me. And they're not the nicest people. And they smoke.

Also, being scene, they have no interest at all in anime or manga. When I start ranting about all the stuff I love, they just look at me like I'm a retarded idiot. Or they ignore me.

This year, I have generally been staying away from all of them. It's not that I hate them (although there are some I could do without), it's just that if I hang out with them I get irritated and depressed.

You might think that I could take refuge among all the otaku in my school, but alas, my school is like some sort of giant alien... Most people I know in the general public either love anime, and that sort of thing, or hate hearing their friends rant about it -- but they all know what it is. But at my high school, nobody even knows what it is. I say the word "manga" to a classroom, and they're all like, "What's manga?" I'm in a grade ten drama class (although I'm in grade eleven), and when we were all saying what we're into, I said, "I'm really into manga!" and they were like, "Huh?" They couldn't even pronounce it. One guy thought I said "mango". There are only a select few people in my school who love anime and manga.

One of them is a slightly crazy, adorable little guy who loves to hug everybody and whom I once saw having a lightsaber fight with his friend, on the front lawn of his house -- right next to the school. I'm not into Star Wars, but I just thought they were so awesome for being so obsessed -- and for having lightsaber battle in public -- that I left the bus stop and crossed the street to watch. I found out that it took them about a day of practice to master the fight. I really appreciated that they liked Star Wars so much as to stage a fight -- kind of like people who are really into cosplay. It was great to watch, and I had a good laugh!

Two of my otaku friends come in a set. One of them is really skinny and tall, and blonde, and she is probably the nicest person you could ever meet in high school. I love her. Her friend is almost as nice, and she's a brunette. I love them both.

Now that my terribly long introduction is over (I apologize...) we get to the fun part.

My two friends whom I've just mentioned spotted me one day in the halls -- I don't see them very often since they're in grade twelve -- and they rushed over to me. What they said was that Death Note -- the live-action film! -- would be playing in theatres for ONE NIGHT ONLY: September 15th!!!

But then, just as I was getting uber-excited, their OTHER friend had something to say.

Their OTHER friend is someone that I do not understand. I also do not understand how two of the nicest people I know could possibly enjoy the company of someone who is so mean. She corrects everything I say -- EVERYTHING. She is never in a good mood, and all she talks about is dance, band, and her boyfriend. Everything that comes out of her mouth is negative.

One incident that I think pretty much sums up her personality, took place in the bagel shop across the street from my school. During lunch I'd gone outside, and I saw the first friend -- the uber-nice one -- with her OTHER friend, going into the bagel shop. I followed because I had something to say to the first friend. I noticed the OTHER friend's necklace, and I took the pendant of it in my hand -- to indicate it -- and said, "I really like your necklace!"

Do you know what she said? "Don't touch me."

"Don't touch me." I was infuriated.

I told her, "I was giving you a compliment." She said, "Fine, but don't touch me."

"You could at least say... 'Thank you for the compliment'."

"Sure." Sarcastically. I really can't stand this girl.

Anyway, what this girl said -- in her usual angry voice -- was, "I can't go! I have DANCE on Monday!"

"What time?" said my blonde friend.

"4:30 until 10:00!"

Great. That's just great. For some reason my two friends didn't feel they could leave this girl behind, so all of a sudden the whole thing was off.

Or so I thought! (Hah!)

I talked to them a while later -- it may have been a week later or two weeks, I'm not sure. I asked them if they were still going to see the movie, and they said, "Oh yeah, of course!" It looked like we were back in business!

The only problem was that I had Karate class on the night of the movie, from 7:00 until 9:00, and the movie started at 9:00.

No big deal! I would just leave early. Nothing in the world would be keeping me away from this movie!

But then how would I get there.

Obviously I'd take the bus!

Everything was set to go, until the night of, when I found out that they hadn't even asked their mothers if they could go! The brunette's mother said she couldn't go, and the blonde's mother said that she wouldn't drive her back home, which basically meant that she couldn't go, either.

So I was left to fend for myself -- there was no way I wasn't going, even if I had to go by myself!

So, later that night, I went to Karate class, as planned. As soon as I saw Sensei, I told him that I would have to leave early. When he asked why, I just told him that there was something I had to do afterward that started at 9:00. He had no good reason to ask anything further, and there was NO WAY that I was going to tell him that I was skipping out to go see a movie! I know from his personality that he wouldn't take very kindly to that.

There's a girl in my Karate class, who's Asian. She's 13 or 14, and has quite a small frame. I don't remember if she's Korean or Chinese, but I know she's not Japanese. But in any case, she is TOTALLY INSANE. Like, I don't mean that she's actually mentally unstable, but she's just really weird. But I mean in a really entertaining way. She makes me laugh. One of my other Karate classmates -- an adult -- unwittingly came up with the absolute perfect description of her: "She's a kooky little Asian girl." Ahahaha!

This girl is quite a fan of Death Note, and she goes totally nuts when she's enthusiastic about something. So when another kid in my class asked why I was leaving early, and I -- not knowing that the Asian girl loved Death Note -- said I was going to go see the movie, she shouted, "THAT'S TONIGHT?!!!" and started clawing at my arm with her hands in mock anger. If you picture the scene in the Death Note anime where Misa Amane starts beating Light Yagami in the chest with her looked something like that.

I found the girl's reaction pretty hilarious. She kept saying, "You have to take me with you!!!" But, of course, I couldn't -- I had only enough money for one ticket, she didn't have any money, and in any case, she couldn't leave early.

The time to leave rolled around, so I told Sensei, "I have to leave now," and got my bag to leave. The girl had said that she wanted to hear what L's voice sounded like, and as I was leaving she whispered after me, "Describe his voice to me in INTIMATE DETAIL!"

~That is all I can write for now! I know it's already long, but I'm not the kind of person that can make a long story short. In fact, all I ever manage to do is make a long story longer! (Lmao!) So, I'm gonna stop here since it's late, but I will continue this entry some other time! Thanks for reading! Sayounara!~
October 15th, 2008 at 05:18am