Round In Circles

Oh my freaking gosh.

I had such an amazingly good day until now.

First a guy from like last year(that was just a friend) who hurt me really bad decided to talk to me tonight after not talking for a REALLY long time. But on the plus side we put the past behind us and it's really nice not to have something weighing me down.

Then to top that off, my ex(who is still one of my best friends) messaged me saying he felt like I like one of his (not very close)friends and that it makes him feel "funny". I do like the friend, but at the same time I don't wanna hurt my ex just because of how good of friends we are.

What does "it makes him feel funny" mean?

Funny as in he still likes me?

I swear, my life is just seems to be going in one big circle. Anytime one thing gets settled another starts up and it's usually always involving the same people/situations.

At the same time I can't just get rid of those people, they're typically some of my closest friends.

I really don't even know what is considered the 'right thing' in this situation. I mean my ex can't dictate who I date, he even admitted that and said it was selfish of him. But knowing how he feels I will feel guilty.

Fuck being a caring person.

How was everyone elses day?

Round in circles let's start over.

October 15th, 2008 at 07:09am