The show last night went GREAT!

I love opening night of plays. Everyone is so nervous and you feel so good when you come off and you've got it over with and you're all excited in happy when you did a good job.

Although this little shit stepped on my line again, the other girls in my scene got their lines right which gave me lead way to give my little speeches.

A little excerpt:

We're saying: why fight for freedom on foreign soils when we don't have freedom here at home?! If we can work in the plants and serve as nurses and leave our families and risk our lives as well as a man can, why can't we vote as well as he can?!

I was arrested, beaten, and had my hands cuffed high on my cell door for days. They spit on us. Burn us with cigars as we march. Attacks! Blood on the sidewalk!

Afterwards I went down in the crowd to hug my mom and grandma. I took Alex (my little cousin who played a soldier at Valley Forge) with me. Hamilton (my douchebag bassist, best friend, and love interest) hugged my grandma and then actually hugged me. I've talked about him a lot and his douchebagginess in previous blogs... I was dumbfounded and so happy and excited. He hugged me and it was sincere! Then some of the other guys from the play came and hugged me and high fived me, and then I went upstairs to the dressing rooms to get dressed.

I had the Bohemian Rhapsody playing on my phone x'D everybody sang along. It was awesome.

Afterwards I ran by Kroger with Alex and then we went over and met Hamy, Parks, his girlfriend Katie, and Lacey (who turned down douchebag's relationship proposal yesterday [YES!]) at Baskin & Robbins. And it was great because it was $1 scoop tuesday and I was broke, so I was able to buy both Alex and myself ice cream.

Overall, yesterday was... so great.

But this morning I woke up and couldn't breathe, so today sucks.
October 15th, 2008 at 05:36pm