Did you fall for a shooting star?

One without a permanent scar...

I do believe that the only thing someone wants from life is someone they can love.

But then, we must ask ourselves...What is love?

This question has been thrown around too much for anyone to really know the answer to.
I personally don't know yet, but I do know there are many different forms of love, if we just look hard enough.

There is the love that is evident in every parent's eyes as they watch their child bring them any news from their day, pouring out their souls. Any significant detail...it doesn't matter to those who love us.

Next time, watch closely. You'll see the point when the loved gets so fully into their story, their eyes will glaze over, and the listener will slowly smile as they are being pulled in.

Love is also found on a wedding day. The next time you attend, watch instead the groom, standing towards the front. All eyes rest on the back, but all they see is each other. The power of his love guides her down the aisle.

That's all we see, but what we need to see is the other. We need to hone our vision in on the other side of love.

It has been said one thousand times, and yet, even with this knowledge, we all line up to get crushed, so hopeful it wont be us that ends up crying; that this time it will be different.

It never is though, and time and time again we find ourselves flat on our backs, the wind knocked out of us from bawling our eyes out.

Hand in hand with love comes confusion: a never ending cycle of twists and turns, destined to stray us from our initial goal.

Whether it be brought about by lack of love, or an overabundance of love, we cannot escape it.

Personally, I suffer from an over abundance of love. The guy I want already has another under his spell. It isn't really all that surprising, but I don't know how to counteract it. I could set him free..I can't seem to let go, afraid that would just hurt too much. But I feel he might be stringing me along behind, but I'm afraid to let go.

There are also those who have a lack of love, a lack of communication. When one person gives up, it leads to another's demise. By ignoring the spark that once pulled two together, they single-handedly drive the other away.

Intentional or not, love hurts.

I honestly don't know what to believe anymore. I need someone to restore my faith in love.
Sure, I see it in everyone around me, I feel it when I talk to my friends. I feel the power that I would give anything for them to be forever safe, but, other than that, I feel empty.

A space is missing, waiting to be filled, but with what?

If I can no longer put my trust in love, what could possibly take its place?
Or am I doomed to forever walk this earth with a piece missing?

Restore my faith, seal up those walls with your pretty words my dear, and just come back to me.

Is this just me? Am I the only one giving up?
October 16th, 2008 at 05:09am