~*~.Horoscope & stuffs {yeah, I know.. so exciting, xP}.~*~

Mood: .Awake.

Listening to: .Seize The Day-By: Avenged Sevenfold.

Your horoscope for October 16, 2008:
Try to get out of your head today, Kendra, and into your heart. You may be spewing out words like a fire hydrant that just blew its top. Ask yourself whether or not you are talking because you have something to say or because you are trying to cover up a fear you have. Talking with others may be a way for you to avoid feeling what is going on inside.

Daily Planetary Overview:
The Moon trine Jupiter will put you in a great mood. This aspect will inspire you to help others.


Well, that was my horoscope and what not, xP.
Anywho.. I know I haven't actually written anything in here for a good while and I apologize for that, xP.
I guess I'll sum up what has been going on, k? K, =P.
Lately all I've been doing is going to my classes, work, hanging out with my boyfriend Dustyn and attempting to talk to my friends, especially my bestie. I haven't been doing much else besides those things that I just listed, xP.
All I gotta say is that times are getting harder and I just miss my best of friends... Danielle, =[. I really miss being able to talk to her 24/7.. and hanging out with her. I hope I get to more often now that I have my phone.
Yeah, sorry.. thats a depressing issue with me b/c I feel like she deserves a best friend that can be there for her whenever she needs them and I know I can't be, but I want to be.. its conflicting. I loves her too death.. I mean duh! She's my best friend, =]. So, of course I loves her.
Alright, alright I know.. I'm ranting, xP. So, I'll stop now and go finish getting ready for class.
Take care. Later guys.

October 16th, 2008 at 04:26pm