Me: I hate fanfiction. Mibba: So don't read it.

Hey Mibba. I just got home from school, and an idea for a journal popped into my head. Let's write about how much I hate fanfiction! After this, I realized something. All the comments I’d get would consist of:

If you don’t like, it, don’t read it!
If you’re allowed to write this, they can write that!
It’s a writing site and if that’s what they want to write about, you can’t tell them not to!

So instead, I decided to make this journal about, well… Mibba, and all its inhabitants. Since joining, I have read many, many journals. There, of course, is the odd My life sucks. My parents are out to get me!, which is followed by comments, or heck, maybe even another journal, stating that I hate journals about how bad people’s lives are!. But you see, that’s not what I’m here to talk about, seeing as how that is a whole journal in itself… (Which, I probably will never write.)

Anyhow, I am here to say that you guys need to realize that not everything needs a response. Sure, it annoys me when people post those self pity journals, but who am I to tell them not to write it? I’m just supposed to ignore it, not read it, not comment on it, right? We are all hypocrites in our own way, and everyone needs to lighten up. Disagree, if you will.

Writing about things that aren’t going to get people talking is pointless, imo.

Through writing this, I have come to a conclusion on how I feel about these journals.
Instead of having so many depressing ones, we should have more open discussions, with the occasional downer.

Oh, right. Now I’m going to get the comments saying Who are you to tell us what typed of journals are supposed to posted?

I’m thinking too much…
October 16th, 2008 at 10:01pm