How the horse got its leg...

Okay, this might sound like a kinda weird title
but that is exactly what we did in science today
however after reading through about "how the horse got its legs" we realised that it did indeed already had legs it was just about how it evolved and stuff
but we were sat there and i was like
"well, that was a dissapointment, i was just imagining a legless horse like wriggling across the ground like this.." -cue me doing an impression, in which my arms are by my side and im just kinda wobbling from side to side on my stool- [does that make sense cause its the best way i can describe it]
you probably wont find this funny at all but it was laughs all round for me and emilly =P

biology is such a fun lesson tbh
our teacher is pretty nice, she doesnt tell us off even though we spend most of our time just talking and pissing about

there was once a conversation that went something like this:
Alice: My friend had this baby and it was just really ugly
Leece: Was it you?
-cue laughter from everyone, except alice who is sat there with an evil glare on her face-
Alice is lovely if not a little bit weird

she came into the form room the other day and said:
"when my parents get drunk all they do is eat alot of chutney"
i was like alice you are so weird!

On another note...
I have a fricking cold
i had one like two weeks ago and now ive got another, but its like ALOT worse it totally sucks
and i cant have the day off because i skived two days last week cause i was so tired i just cba to go to shcool ¬_¬

That always happens to me; i skive then i actually am ill
Jared says i should be careful what i wish for
which is kinda true i guess

anywhooo mother and father are calling me for tea now
so gooodbye fellow mibbians (:
October 16th, 2008 at 10:15pm