Simply Me<3

Ello deary's. The name's Katalina. I guess there's not too much to say. Probably because I'm pretty speechless at this point of my life. I'm almost 15:) On October 28th!! FInally! I have five brothers! One older, 4 younger, and a baby sister on the way! Finally, a lillte sister! Anywho..My mother's American and my father's Colombian. So, I'm a White-Hispanic chick. haha. My interests include Color Guard, Theatre, Horseback Riding, and of course the regular listening to music and hanging out with friends. I love theatre, and i HATE drama. Seriously, the whole "say it to my face" thing, doesn't work for me. Cuz if you do say it to my face, then you might no longer have one xP So, besides that, I'm just your typical flirty girl who loves to just be herself. No boyfriend anymore, or at the moment. I don't need a man to complete me because i am ME, and no man can make me who I am:) Remember that ladies. Comment if you wanna know anymore about me! I'll be writing again shortly :)

Love you all, and I'm already addicted to this site. teehee. toodles:)
October 17th, 2008 at 03:10am