What should i learn now ?

well , supzxzx .
i've been on mibba for a day .
just a day & i can't get the hell off .
the reason why i'm posting now ,
is cuz i have no friggin idea what song to learn on my guitar .
yep =P

i've learned so far like what 10 ? 12 ? songs ?
um , they're :
Blink 182
- Down
- Always
- Aliens Exist
- All the small things

Well they rule [:
Legends of Punk Rock yo !

Jonas Brothers(you may think they're gay but they're cool)
- Take a Breath
- Play my music
- S.O.S.
- Lovebug
- Burnin' Up
- Hold on

Please don't kill me people >.<

Fall Out Boy
- Dance Dance
- The Take Over , the Break's Over
- I'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off
- Beat it

Pete Wentz is gay but his hair is kewl . Technically he's bisexual , but you get my point .

I forgot the others . Lol .

Well any suggestions ?
I'm open to all .
Just no super screamo songs with hardcore guitar solos [:
Otherwise i'm fine .

signing off ;

People talk about that guy ,
who's waiting on a girl .
There are no holes in his shoes ,
but a big hole in his world .
October 17th, 2008 at 12:35pm