ok soo....
on october 16 i went to the Sassyback tour Featuring Cobra was the most amazing night ever!!!
it started off by us getting there and seeing nobody, then my friend emma and I walked around the block of the venue and we ran into Pat from Sing It Loud! we were so excited and we talked to him about being in his hometown and random stuff and we got his picture...
THEN we ran into Saurez. He is just about my favorite person ever he is such a sweet heart!! Katelyn, Emma, Emily and I are sitting there talking to Saurez and I turn around and see CALEB TURMAN!!! [i have the biggest biggest crush on ever] and I start kinda like hyperventalating only not really and mumbling nonsense words and keep in mind I was still talking to Saurez at the time. All my friends are just giving me weird looks and then they see who I'm tweaking out about so Saurez turns to Caleb and goes "Dude this girl is in LOVE with you!" and Caleb comes over and goes "Aw, I love you too sweetie" and pulls me into a huge hug. I'm was just about to die!!!
So I like left Saurez and went to talk to Caleb and I dropped my fake louis vitton clutch small purse wallet like thing and he goes "OH NO!! LOUIS ON THE GROUND!!!" and I was like "Oh its fake don't worry." And then he turns to me and goes "Sh!! You're not supposed to tell people that!" Then we started talking about his dog and how he was making a new video blog thing at McDonalds and really really random stuff. And then before we left he gave me another hug and told me he loved me again.
The second my friends and I walked away they started laughing and imitating how I was tweaking out. It was sooo funny, but I was sooo embarrassed.
Then we get back in line and see Jonathan Cook walking. So we decided to go get a picture and these evil girls kept cutting infront of me.....I was upset. But then I got my picture and he like was looking in the sky and then I kinda gave him a confused look and he says "Oh, I was looking for the camera." and I just laughed at him. It was really cute. Then I got a hug and he whispered to me "You give really good hugs!" I said "Thank you" and we went back to stand in line.
Then we were standing in line and I see Saurez and I go apologize for like running away to Caleb earlier and he laughs and says "Its fine, I understand, he's so good looking" and then he saves Emily and I because she didn't bring I.D. or the comfirmation about our meet and greet, we didn't even know we had one till we got there and heard people talking about it! Saurez got us our passes and saved us.
Then the concert started. It was amazing! Sing It Loud played sooo well!!! Then Hit The Lights played, they were good, but I didn't really know their songs as well and the other....THEN it was time for FTSK!!! I was sooo excited! They played all there songs sooo well and Jonathan like sang to me and took my hand 3 times and was like playing with it, haha it was weird, but adorable. Then they did this thing where you could text FTSK to a number, but I couldn't remember the number and I looked up at Austin and was like "WHATS THE NUMBER!?" and just laughed at me and didn't tell me. They played Men In Black, and I got to hear Jonathan scream which I was like praying for! Then it was Cobra. They were also amazing. This girl went up on stage during Snakes on a Plane to rap Travis McCoy's verse and totally failed, it was sad, but very amusing!
When the concert was over it was time for the Meet and Greet with Cobra which was up on a balcony it was soo fun. Katelyn, Emily, and I went with all the other people who pre-ordered. :D We met Gabe first and he sang to me!! It was soo adorable! He sang part of Holly Hox Forget Me Not, by Saves the Day, because my name was in that song and I had never heard it before. It was so amazing I was so close to him and he was singing. AHH sooo amazing! Then we went and talked to Saurez for like the 3rd time that night! He was still the sweetest person ever, he's really funny to. Then we went to Ryland, he's sooo tall!!! And so polite I was like thank you and he was like no thank you! and he kept saying thank you to like everything I said, it was adorable! Then we met Vicky-T, she is really nice and pretty. She had the cutest dresses on that night. I was jealous! Then finally we met Nate. I was so excited, I've seen Cobra 3 times now and I just met him last night. He was so sweet and cute.
Then we had to leave because it was like 11:30!!!

I know I kept saying the word amazing a lot, but thats just cuz thats how the night was to me. It was simply perfect. :D
October 18th, 2008 at 02:06am