Love always wins.. I officially HATE writing about my problems. Because people have it so much worse. But I'm going to talk about my problems anyways! Haha. I'm soooo confused! One minute I have the world, or at least my world, in the palm of my hands. And then the next, it's just gone. Taken away by some slut in a spandex uniform. It doesn't even make sense to me. I miss the way things were. But that's the thing about life. Things aren't just handed to you laid out like a perfectly written book. This doesn't end with a "happily ever after." There are trials, and when things seem perfect, you have to be ready for the worst. Because things were perfect..and when they were, the worst happened. I've learned that leaving women in in the nature of man. And that even if you have a butt like a tomato, retail therapy can't, and won't fix your broken heart. I had him for what felt like forever. And when he left, I was cold out of breath. I just felt everything freeze in me. I couldn't move, or breathe. And I feel so pathetic sometimes. Like I just spent so much time crying and being miserable over him. I will always love him, and care about him. But i'm so done being in love with him to the point that he can see it. My new best friend is reverse psychology. She's a bitch to everyone I use her against, but she's a doll to me xP haha. And if I stop caring in front of him, then he'll start caring. And once this is all over, and all these girls have screwed him over, he's gonna think i'm right here waiting, when all of the time i spent faking i was okay, became reality. I used the best possible closure for myself. It's been about a month since he left, and i was a wreck for awhile..but i'm okay now. Because I know God holds something brighter for me in the future. I have to keep my chin up, whether it's fake, or real. Because I have so many mixed feelings right now, I feel bad for you readers..cuz you're probably thinking..WTF is this gir's problem? hah. well all i can say is that shit doesn't happen, life does. And life is not shit. It just has it's shitty moments. haha. Thanks for reading.
October 18th, 2008 at 05:38am