On a neverending quest to find a girlfriend

Well, I've had a bit of an energy and emotional boost. I've been listening to Apocalyptica all morning. If you don't listen to these guys, you should start. They're cello core. They play Metallica, Nirvana, System of a Down, Led Zeppelin--pretty much everything I love dearly.

And being a cellist and a firm believer that cellists are sexy..... um, yeah, I love it.

They did a song with the very pretty Cristina Scabbia. I'm totally in looove with Lacuna Coil, too O_O

Anyway... I'm sort of on a quest here. I was honestly flirted with for the first time yesterday by an honest person and it felt GREAT! The only problem is, I don't like him like THAT. I mean, I don't want to sound prejudice or anything, but I don't really swing HIS way.

There are these two really gorgeous girls at the show yesterday, but I'm pretty sure they didn't take any interest in me at all T_T

And it sucks, because I've lost the ability to detect girls, it seems. With guys its no problem but now I seem to have a neutral ability to talk to girls. They all want to be my best friend but none of them want to date me >_<

I think I'm just defective, but oh well.
October 18th, 2008 at 08:39pm