Writing Update

Hello everyone.

This is one of the rare occations these days where I am on mibba. Competition band season is slowing down now, so I shall be able to start my writing again. This means that The fourteenth chapter of London Masquerade will be out within a month (if nothing else comes up and my laptop gets fixed).

Now, I know that some of you are very excited about this (i.e. Ali), and I have to say that I am elated. It feels so good to finally be writing again.

On another note, my time off has not been entirely unproductive. I am taking a creative writing class at my school with my friends Marre and Mads. There, I have written a number of short stories, and I am planning on posting some of them. If all of you could, please, just bear with me for the next month, I promise that I will work my hardest to get this stuff out.

Thanks for reading
I love you all
xox Manda xox
October 18th, 2008 at 09:18pm