
Having regrets about things we have done are inescapable. We blame ourselves for the horrible things we do, and we can't help it. Some of us blame other people for our own mistakes, even. But, in order to move on from something you've done, you have to tell yourself to not regret it. You did that for a reason, whether it be good or bad. Sometimes, you can't control what you say or do. I, myself have recently made a huge mistake, and I don't deserve to be forgiven for it. But I know that I have to move on and forget that it ever happened. Someday, I might. I just want everyone to know to not have regrets about something you did. You did it for a reason; don't beat yourself up over it. Right now, I'm being a hypocrite, but t hat's just me. A wise friend of mine once said "Let us not fill our youth with regrets and sorrow." He was right. Let's not waste our precious time on this earth wondering about what would have happened if we didn't do 'this' or do 'that.' All that should matter is that we are here now and our mistakes and choices have brought us where we are today.
October 18th, 2008 at 11:37pm