confubblelickin crazy man

Idk why i wrote this entry...wait i know now cuz my life has been confubblelicken crazy thats one way to describe start off with is that i have an crazy problem with a certain person.
this person is really startin to have me pissed....heres how a day goes with her:
1. she sits next to me on bus because she sees its empty and doesnt feel like walkin any further. i smile at her and say hey, she adjusts her hair and smiles back
2. i bring up somethin to talk about so i talk about a friend of mine who shes friends with also and tell her somethin that happened at some time during the week

3. she ignores slightly but nods when im finished and says shes goin to the drama room later(whatever the heck that means)

4. bus stops we get off together and walk through the commons to the building my other closer friend usually is in by her locker, person i dislike follows me there,only cuz now she also sees me close friend
5. i tell close friend about practice tomorrow and we just talk and joke for awhile while person laughs along out of no sense.
6. me and closer friend go to bathroom person follows and asks closer friend a random question jumping in front of me and now standing by friends arm(boiling point)

7. I laugh at her because closer friend says 'what the?' and she laughs too..

8 closer friend and i leave to go to her first class, but person just follows me and says "okay ive got to go now. coming with me toji?)

9. i look at her oddly and shrug my shoulders turn around and say bye to closer friend.....

10. me and person do not say one word to eachother until bothreach classes and say see ya....i say bye.

what the heck is going on im tired of pretending to be her friend just cuz closer friend really is what can i do? this is gettin out oof hand!
October 20th, 2008 at 10:19pm