Weird dreams and ghosts.

My title pretty much sums up what i'm about to write, it may make you question my sanity, which is perfectly normal, since i have questioned my own sanity Especially after a few nights ago...

Ok so umm, i was in my bed sleeping, as i usually do, i heard crinkling of paper that was on my floor.I woke up becasue of it and looked at my wall, i saw a girl walk out of it... Yahh i know it sounds weird, but i could hear the paper crinkling as she walked out of the wall... And there was paper on my floor cuz my room was increadably messy... But anyways, she was walking out of a freakin' wall! I freaked and hid under the blankets on my bed... But i could feel something staring at me, so i grabbed another one from off the floor. thats how i knew i wasn't dreaming, because i woke up with a blanket on me, also it wasn't the cat or any of my dogs, because the door was shut completely when i saw, her.

Next, i've been having strange dreams lately, they are like a series of shows, that continue every night when i go to sleep, when they don't continue i have no dreams.
ughh, its been bugging me for SO long, it feels good to get it off my chest and finally tell you people, ha. Also sometimes i have REALLY creepy dreams, which mak eme not want to go to sleep, hense the reason for one of my poems.

thanks for reading, leave comments if u wish.
October 22nd, 2008 at 02:11am