The Best Places on the Whole Wide Web

So everytime I get online, I go to certain places, and in order to spread the love, I've decided to share them with you in case you are bored, avoiding homework (like me), or just want to see some funny stuff. Here we go!

There are so many good webcomics out there, but these are my personal favorites, and most of my friends agree.
~ Nedroid Comics This is possibly my favorite. He is so funny, talented and sweet all in one, I can hardly stand it. The best are Beartato and Reginald, but also The Karate Cronicles and 200 Bad Comics as well as other characters are worth it too.

~ Pictures for Sad Children This one is a little more on the dark side, but start at the begining or nothing will make sense. It's hilarious.

~Natalie Dee This is so funny, everyday, and so are Married to the Sea, Toothpaste for Dinner, and SuperPoop all of which can be accessed from here! I swear, you will get highly addicted.

Tiny Monster Ok this one comic on here is so damn cute, it will make your heart grow three sizes bigger, purely because of how sweet it is.

Dinosaur Comics Oh my goodness. All I can really say is read them. And then you will get it.

A Softer World I like this comic because it's dark humor is really entertaining, and often touching. Read everything they have on here. Especially Overqualified, which is so hilariously funny, you might die. Just warning.

This one is the best of all: MSPaintAdventures This is made of such epic win, I can't even begin to describe it. Basically, its a story based on those old video games like Dungeons and Dragons (you know where you entered in the command for your character?), that people write in making the next move. It's still ongoing, and if you ever want to waste copisu amounts of time, get started on this.

Also: Emmy Cicierega's The Great Ballon Adventure This comic is totally darling, and made me all happy inside. Her journal is quite funny too, and if you have time, try reading it. Her brother, Neil, is the creator of the Potter Puppet Pals on youtube, which Emmy helped with, and her sense of humor is very similar.


towers There are a lot of really good writers on here, but towers kicks everyones ass. This new story on here is mindblowing and I have no doubt that she will be world famous someday. Ive follwed her from quizilla to here, and no matter what she writes, it's always 50 bajillion times better than anything I could ever do.

Oddity Kinda in love with her story. It's odd, unique, smartly written, and hilarious. What more do you want?

The Best Harry Potter Fanfic

The Trouble with Purity This is possibly the best fanfic ever, by the amazing saveroftheworld. At a whopping 134 chapters and a possible sequel in the works, it may seem daunting, but trust me: it is so incredible, your head might melt. Layla Lenson is one of my favorite characters ever created. It's dark, sexy, violent, and surprsing. What more could you want?

Dirty Tactics This story is on quizilla and starts off rough, mostly because it was origionally by two authors (one of which is infinitly better than the other) but by half way through, the better writer took over, and from then on, its great. It's so funny it actually made me luagh outloud, and there is a sequel out, Dirty Tactics up and Down the Aisle. Love, love, love :)


Mr. ChiCity Ok, some people might find this offensive, but my room mate and I watch this video about 5 times a day and quote it constantly. It's this black guy talking about how a well stocked fridge will get you women. He proceeds to break down the contents of his fridge for five minutes. It just keeps getting better and better.

George Washington Song Also possibly offensive, but sooo funny. Proves George really was the best president ever.

Bro Rape This is so freaking funny, I almost peed my pants the first time I saw it. It was bad words, so watch your ears kiddies. I quote this too much for my own well being.

Panic at the Disco, Karma Police Cover I'm in love with radiohead, and while no version could ever top the original, I really really like this version. Plus you can perv at how sexy Brendon Urie is while playing the piano. (i'm just slightly in love with him)

Ok. Thats all I got...for now.

Let me know if you like these, or if you have your own suggestions.
October 23rd, 2008 at 06:05am