Prop 8

-Has been thrown a lot-

Have you noticed? I was riding through Grass Valley, I know right, where is that?!!? Haha, its in Northern California, but i saw about 10 signs that said Yes On 8. It amazes me how partisan people are, and not only that, but gullible and stupid as well. If you know what Prop 8 is then you know that its to institute in the California Constitution that a marriage is only between a man a woman.

Im a Christian and I completely understand why people would be saying this is a horrible thing, but lying to the public by putting out false ads is not the right thing to do. It goes against all morale, and even if proposition 8 is against our religion, or our beliefs, it is not about either, it is about the law. Something that should be free from the institution of religion, because we all know how that turned out. People should have the right to make their own choices because morality lies on the individual and we can not deny people the right to get married.

Marriage is a sacred thing, so why not let them experience it?

Fact: Prop 8 has nothing to do with the education system
Fact: Churches can not be sued for not allowing a gay couple to be married at the temple
Fact: Teachers are not required to teach about marriage during k-6
Fact: Any marriage or sex talks in School require a permission slip, (its up to you parents :])
Fact: Separate but equal is not equal

yeah im done.
have a nice day

October 23rd, 2008 at 08:25pm