Sequence Dreaming Pt. 1

You looked just like a human sitting across from me.
Your hair was blowing from the turns we were taking, whirling in a frenzy of constant circles, the rusted metal beneath us still flaking bits of paint. We were both nauseous and confused, and as you fought gravity's pull on your head to keep it from snapping back, you looked at me and I looked back, and though I couldn't read the expression in your eyes, I felt a tremor run through my body.
I'm sure I looked frightened. I'm sure you noticed the tears streaming down my cheeks. Yet you did nothing to smooth them away.
Thank you.
In that moment I needed to cry, and you let me without showing any semblance of discomfort.
You were willing to study my pain and respect it enough to watch it, to keep looking instead of turning away.
You looked just like human sitting across from me.
That was all I could have asked for.
October 25th, 2008 at 04:12am