An Irony

I know it's pretty egotistical to write a journal entry about myself, but that's what I'm going to do right now. Hopefully people won't mind getting to know me.

To quote Bill Cosby, a personal hero of mine, "I started out as a child." When I was five, I made what would be one of the biggest decisions of my life and became a vegetarian. Being an infant, I hadn't acquired a sense of humanity or cruelty towards animals. Instead, I was at a McDonald's and ate the worst chicken nugget in my short life. It was so awful that I decided then and there that I would never eat meat again. Thirteen years later, I still haven't eaten meat. Now I've discovered more socially and environmentally conscious reasons to justify my vegetarianism, but it started in a McDonald's.

Two months ago, I got a job. I'm working from 22 to 27 hours a week. At McDonald's. That same McDonald's. I couldn't make this shit up.
October 25th, 2008 at 04:20am