Sequence Dreaming Pt. 2

I had a dream you wrote my name in blood and you only crossed the H.

It read ’Healher’.

The wallpaper was peeling away from the blood, withdrawing from the thick streaks you left as if they were a disease. The flecks of dried paper rolled and cracked, flaking from the wall to become butterflies, their wings tinged in red, and I could hear them whispering the words written on the walls, "Heal her. Heal her."

In the afterbirth of the butterflies, the wall had disappeared, leaving behind the night sky, blood glowing infront of the stars like there were tiny flecks of glitter in the writing, casting streaks of red throughout what was left of the room.

The butterflies fluttered out into the evening, the irredescent film covering their wings forming a sheen of rainbows as they flitted across the sky, the only indication that they were still there- the gentle whispers they spoke into the night.

They each picked a star and flew into it, their tiny wings combusting, bursting in flame and exploding, snuffing out the stars and spraying more of them through the night, multiplying the tiny lights times one thousand.

I walked to your side at the edge of the floor at the edge of the world and held your hand, my fingers growing sticky from the blood that coated them. You turned to me, your eyes black and glittering in the shadows, and said,

"You are a masterpiece of tragedies, and you are stunning." And you reached into my chest, your hand passing through a hole in my left breast, and you cupped your hand around my heart and squeezed, used it to pump blood out and into your palm.

You went back to your masterpiece, smearing my blood across the night sky like it was a canvas, and I sat on the edge, dangling my feet over the side of the platform that suspended us in space.

Digging my fingers into the hole, I pulled my heart from my chest and held it over the edge.

"I’ll heal you." You said, smiling and reaching down to caress my face. The blood smeared across my cheek, and I could feel it starting to cool, my skin tingling with goosebumps under the film of my life force.

Using both of my hands, I crushed the heart, and it shattered into tiny specks of stars. I let them sift between my fingers and tumble from my grasp, forming a waterfall of glitter beneath me.
October 25th, 2008 at 05:16am