~*~.Horoscope & stuffs.~*~

Your horoscope for October 25, 2008: Today is a great day for you in which you should enjoy a great deal of playful conversation with others, Kendra. Fantasy is likely to play a large role in the events of the day and you may find yourself daydreaming as you walk down the street. Don't bother with reality today if you don't have to. You are much better off keeping the tone of things light and playful. Enjoy your fantasy world and feel free to invite others to it.

Daily Planetary Overview: With the Moon square Pluto today, you won't be in a very good mood. It will be difficult to see the positive...

I know I haven't written in here in awhile and I apologize. Just not much has been going on in the world of Kendra. Well, not anything u'd find interesting or even remotely exciting. Anywho, me and Dustyn have been spending every day together; almost 24/7 if u will and if not I'm either working or at school same with him but exclude the school part, xP. I know I should have more to say but I don't. Oh.. wait, nevermind, yes, I do. I might be going to the Avenged Sevenfold concert on November 29th @ 7pm in Greensboro, North Carolina if I'm lucky, x]. I hope I get to go.. I really, really do, =]. My best friend Danielle told me to go and I know I've said this before but it just wouldn't be the same without her and I know it already. I'd feel like there was something or better yet someone missing. It'd keep me from having a good time.. she loves them just as much as I do.. and I always promised her I would take her if I could afford tickets.. I'm conflicted.. Should I go or not? What's your opinion? [[Thank u if u do decide to leave a comment, but if not its fine too.]] Well, I don't really have anything else to say now.. so, I'll talk to u guys later.. I gots to go wash some clothes. Love u guys, take care*huggles,* byes.

October 25th, 2008 at 10:25pm