Sunday Morning Maaaaan

They haven't texted to ask me to work yet!!
Usually, that would make me the happiest little cupcake on the baker's shelf, but on Sunday's I wanna work because it gives me something to do other than sit in my room all day.
Oh well, I guess its all good. The Simpsons are on, bless them =D And I've got my laptop with internet and my music, and Guitar Hero 3 on the Wii. Oh man, Guitar Hero is the funnest thing I've ever played.

"Let's just say fame was like a drug. But what was even more like a drug was the drugs!"

Haha Homer. You crack me up.

The Rav is still parked outside my door. The Rav is my friends car. Him and his friend turned up at my door last night
(note: I live in a motel room so there's only one room + a bathroom, and the door opens right out to the front door. I'm looking at the Rav as I type.)
and asked for the water balloon I kept in the fridge. I named him Loon. They were going to water bomb the principals house so naturally I wanted to help =D
And we ended up standing outside for an hour or two talking about the creepy guy who rents pornos at my work and pushes shopping trolleys around and sets stuffed animal on fire because he likes the "burning sensation".
(note: everything from the shopping trolley part was made up by us. But he really does come in and help himself to pornos. He looks like a rapist.)

So yeah. I have no idea where they are, but the Rav is parked outside and they told me last night they'd see me today with coffee so I'm probably going to see them today.

"Where is the rent, I must have the rent! Dollars, dimes and nickles, I need them all right noooooow!"

Haha I'm quoting the Simpsons as I watch them. It's all for your personal enjoyment.

So yes. Guitar Hero. Fun fun fun fun fun. I wouldn't have heard Monsters by Matchbook Romance, or Radio Song by Superbus. Never heard them? Better.

So yeah. I'm finishing this because it was a waste of cyperspace from the moment I started writing. But I felt like writing a journal even though I had nothing to write about.

Love.... Gen =D
October 26th, 2008 at 02:04am