Halloween psychic fair

I go to Spencer every weekend to visit friends, and this week happened to be the Halloween Psychic Fair. They had discounts on readings at the Some Enchanted Evening, and a few of us decided to get our readings done.

This was my first time getting my palm or cards read, so I was pretty excited.

When I finally got in, I was pretty happy with what the psychic was telling me because it was all pretty accurate. She started out reading my palm, and she told me that I am a caring person who likes to nurture and please other people. She also said Im artistic and pay a lot of attention to detail (accurate). She also told me I don't do enough things for myself.. which I didn't realise until she pointed it out.

Then she started reading my cards and I wasn't exactly satisfied.. Everything came out negative. My health is bad, I feel stressed and depressed, all my relationships are failing, I'm confused and indecisive, my mother isn't as involved as she should be, and I feel like I don't belong where I am. And she sensed it all.

Confused.. just a bit...
October 26th, 2008 at 08:06pm