October Update!

OHHHKAY!!! So, here's a peek at my hectic life lately :-( ergh.

So I started drivers education on October 13th. Day after my rents' anniversary party and haven't even had time to breath lately. My drivers ED is monday, wednesday and friday but I have to schedule driving time with our instructor during the week and I have to have six hours of observing other kids in my class drive(The first kid almost killed us all the first day!). So, for the past three weeks (time flies! crap!) I've been at DE six hours a week, and stuck in the DE car for more than a few sain hours lately.

And now my sweet sixteen needs planning and it's this friday ugh! And, I have to finish my halloween costume for the costume party thursday night. I have like, four papers due in school this week and I have seven days to read a 200+ page book. I hate reading too so that makes it really tough. And midterms are coming up for Drivers Ed and our teacher gives us crap-loads of homework every night, which I have ONE day to finish or I get an extra assignment. So like monday's homework for DE is due wednesday, and its a crap load of reading and sheet work, and I have ONE day to do it, then there's school homework that I have to do that same night.

So basically life's hectic, like usual haha. But more than usual this week considering the party, planning my party and DE midterms and homework that is.. *looks* due tomorrow night wonderfull *sarcasm!*! So, I barely have time to update my stories (if anyone is still reading them?) Updates are rare but I still try :-)

Ontop of all that junk I'm like freaking tired all the time from not eating right from not having time to :-) . Great life yeah? Haha funny story ready?

Friday, I didn't eat breakfast or lunch. I had half a sandwich at 3 after school. Then nothing for dinner because of Driver Ed! The next time I ate ANYTHING, was saturday at 6:30 because I was in Maine watching my cousin Steven's soccer game, then I got sucked into playing football with my other cousin (Steven's brother) Micah, I learned I can't throw a football to save my life :-)

Ok, I have homework now loool this took me over an hour to write down lol I was so pre-occupied

October 26th, 2008 at 09:47pm