The Real Me

I don’t get out a lot. I don’t have a lot of friends or a lot of people that relate to me. I don’t think I will either. No one gets my serious self, so I always have to make it up by being the random, hyper girl who they all know, and kinda hate. But I really don’t wanna be ‘that crazy random hyper girl’, thats not who I am, I wanna be the deep girl, who writes mediocre poetry and who understands complicated problems, I wanna be the girl who listens to peoples problems and doesn’t judge. But thanks to peer pressure that girl has been pushed out of the picture, I don’t even think shes there anymore, just a ghost or her is left in my being, thanks to peer pressure I’m the girl who I don’t want to be, and I’m stuck being the girl I dont want to be. Everyone always tells you to be yourself, and not to copy others and shit like that, but once you do that they judge you and poke fun at who you really are, making you crawl back into your little shell, the shell thats made of up your other, more socially acceptable side. What kinda of world is this, a world where we live with people constantly telling us to do something, only to have them be the reason we didn’t do that thing in the first place,
October 27th, 2008 at 05:11am