
Do you know those moments where you feel completely infinite?

Like when you're taking a walk and just looking at the trees, dark with the presence of fall? The sounds of the leafs beneath your feet and the birds twirling about your head make you feel so at peace you could die right then and there, and feel so happy. It's cold, but just warm enough. Everything is still once you stop. Still enough to hear the sounds of deer sneaking through the brush.

When it's snowing and you're sitting outside, just listening. Even though the the cold is nipping at you, and your digits feel like they might fall off, you feel amazing? You can listen too the snow hitting all the objects near by and it becomes a song only you can understand. Only you can decode the pitter-patters of all around you to make something truely inspiring of it.

What about when the smell of honeysuckle is so strong that it makes you dizzy as soon as you leave your home? So walking down the gravel road makes you feel like you're floating in this sea of sweetness. Not even the crunch of the gravel beneath your sneakers can pull you down from that feeling of height. It's such a high.

Or when the only thing too do is sit under the windowsill, curtains open, watching the dark swirling clouds and the quick flashes of lightening even though your parents said it was dangerous? You can feel the thunder pulse through your body, and you can feel the lightening in your heart. It's too hot too stay inside, but outside is so dangerous in it's beauty; you're stuck.
October 27th, 2008 at 04:18pm