The Mibban plague

So I guess we all know what this atrocious plague is all about.

It's all about the fucking stupid little girls who write all the same shit.

"A girl in an all boy's boarding school!!!!"

That was interesting in the seventh grade!!!!

Get a fucking imagination.

Then you have a crap load of pointless A7X fanfics, along with the MCR ones to add to that, then the random panic at the disco.

It's kinda very weird how in each one of these somehow you ugly bitches managed to get one of these rockstars to love you, or your characters, when we all know that character is all about numero uno.


So let's get this straight.

I want to read something CREATIVE.

Not plaguerized a million times over.

I don't want to hear how you were all depressed, when all it is you not being able to face reality, and how looking into your prey's eyes managed to make you feel something, that was buried deep down within your soul you thought you lost when yadda yadda yadda happened.

It's all the same, no need to repeat too much of what I read about.

So, for the love of Jebus Chris please write something creative. Or just exit out of the browser.

You'll save everyone a bunch of time.

Your forever angry,

October 28th, 2008 at 03:00am