Magic Boy

Okay, so you know those weirdos who don't practice wiccan CORRECTLY.

You know, the ones parading about demons and the such.

Well I know one.

Who recently became a chrstian.

And he can't seem to do either right.

As a Christian your supposed to respect people, and though I have that problem myself at times (most notably my scene whore syndrome journal) it seems as though it's time for me to write a journal completely bashing HIM and his stupid 'path way' as he claims it.

So as we've all noticed, I have low tolerance of many things.

And let me write this story straight.

When I first met Jerry (I have enough respect not to put his nick name in, for that one he uses more commonly than Jerry) I owned a deck or tarots, you know, slumber party thing, against my religion, but honestly, at the time I held a middle finger up to the sky and didn't really give a flying fudge-cicle.

So, of course, I experimented with things, you know, new age store just to see the stuff, reading information on True paganism.

So, one day, I bought these awesome kick butt tarot cards.

My best friends Kristen, Rachel and Heaven, decided why not play with these things?

It'd be cool.

So "Jerry the Fairy" as punk goth princess wanna be named him, came over, and ruined everything.

Reading the tarot wrong was one thing.

Claiming that a demon would possess us all tonight was just absurd.

And I'm a very angry person.

So I snapped, took my tarot cards away, and told him to get out of my face.

The next day as I was leaving Krissy's house, he apologized.

So, I said it was cool and apologized myself.

No harm done right?

Well, Jerry went to all my friends and told them he had a very not real vision of me getting hit by a school bus.

Very not original mind you.

Then things advanced from their.

He said Beelzebub, the demon, you know, Lord of the Flies, Prince of the Underworld, was possessing him.

Then he went to the gazeebo at the cemetery, picked random flowers, and apparently 'trapped him" within the thing.

Okay, so I know a bit about this and that.

Especially when it comes down to demonology, I do my research, and as far as I can tell, Beelzebub can't be trapped by some wiccan idiot, thinking that he can use blood magic to do this and that.

And to make a point of that, he killed his deaf cat as a 'sacrifice' to Beelzebub, who apparently claimed that he told him to do it.

I don't have a problem with pagans, wiccans, you know the works.

But I do have a problem with you if you do those kinds of things. And though it doesn't seem like a substancial reason as to why I don't like him, but if you lived in New York, and met this kid, you'd understand.

I believe that supernatural beings can possess you.

I do believe that their are demons, who do evil and angels who watch over you.

I do believe their are many things in the world that can't be explained.

But when you go that far, and though many will be commenting "Well what if he was being honest???" well, let's get this straight, Jerry the Fairy is a fat kid looking for attention.

It's that simple really.

So, let me talk about another thing, while we're kind of on the same subject.

Though I b*tch about what people choose in life, I do have a tolerance of them. I don't accept it, but I tolerate it.

I tolerate scene whores claiming this and that, I tolerate bad stories on mibba, and for a while I tolerated Jerry the Fairy.

I'm just an angry person.

It's hard to explain the psycology behind my thoughts.

But let me explain this way.

I tolerate things to a certain degree.

Repetiveness is just what bugs me.

I'm a little OCD.

Well, it is time for me to worship the toilet bowl, I have a stomach virus.

Forever Your Angry Asian,
October 28th, 2008 at 06:13pm