Your sex is on fire

GAAAAH that song has been in my head all day
im listening to it now
Kings of Leon are utter genius' <<< for all of you who havent heard this amazing song =P

today was a bit shit
i was dragged to cheltenham, which isnt that bad
but when its cold and wet and your on your period and you dislike a few people there
its horrible
i ended up getting pissed at like everyone
even one of my best friends =\
i feel so bad
she kept asking me if i was okay and i just kept snapping
god i hate being on my period
but one good thing is i havent had any cramps this month ><
we made friends with an old lady
my brother was being a twat and decided to stand next to a group of people he called "goffs"
and had a loud conversation with brad which went like this:
"so brad what did you do last night?"
"Not alot Tham, you?"
"i went to a graveyard and shat on a grave"
and walked away
then we turned back and i saw one of them shout something to us
so we went back and tham goes:
"did you just say something to me?"
and they all looked kinda scared, it was funny
then they admitted to calling him a twat because what he said was disrespectful
anyway after a bit of "banter" i apologised for his behaviour and he offered everyone a chocolate covered raisin
then he saw an old lady sitting behind them and offered her one
she started a looooong conversation with my brother, during which me and everyone else including the people we had just met were pissing ourselves
she went on to give us a bag of dried fruit
and she said something about how she doesnt think we're bad people and how she respects us for the music we listen to
and we're like what music?
and she said "that heavy metal"
and we were like "well isnt that a bit stereotypical?"
and she said "yes probably but still....blah blah blah"

today was amusing indeed

:| and this morning Alec told me he liked me
ohhh dear
October 28th, 2008 at 09:07pm