Your a little ***ed up in the head.

I don't know what's going on. My fucking mind is racing, the cuts getting deeper and deeper, I don't even think people understand what the fuck I'm going through. Oh it's just a phase. YOUR NOT IN MY MIND TWENTY FOUR FUCKING SEVEN. All people see is the fucking cuts, I don't give a fuck. I don't even understand what I'm saying anymore. School is shit now, I don't even try anymore. Basically I see me in five years dead. Dead as a fucking door knob. Not moving, in the ground, food for the worms, kicking the damn bucket. I'm not myself anymore. I caught myself looking for people who sell cocaine. What the fuck am I doing?! I'm constantly shaking like I'm cold. I'm wearing two pairs of socks and two hoodies. I see these guys that I have a crush on and I think of ways I could get them, then I see them with girls and I want to beat their fucking faces in. My anger has gotten worse, I can't stand anybody anymore. God is nothing to me now. Why the fuck would he make me with a fucked up mind and body. I'm fucking fat, I don't eat anymore but I'm still the same. EVERYTHING IS GOING DOWN HILL.

All I'm trying to say is I need help, all I need is someone to save me.
October 28th, 2008 at 09:35pm