Perhaps Just An Update, But More Of Like My Life

With the changing of the seasons comes the inevitable increase of work. I have exams coming up soon and I've been studying like crazy and writing papers out of my...well you know.
Luckily for me I was smart enough to take AP classes throughout high school and knocked out 6 credits each for: Calculus, Biology, English, and Chemistry. So, I don't have to take those. However since I am majoring in English, I have to take an insane amount of courses for it. And since I have almost all of my credits out of the way for my freshman year, I am started on the major req.
Even though I took English, and have the required credits for it, I have to take extensive classes.

The things I do for the love of writing.

On top of the crazy world of college I have my two part-time jobs, but I had to recently quit a job because it was interfering with my classes, and I just couldn't do it anymore. Thus giving me much more time to do whatever I please. All of my classes are in the morning, one of them starting at 7, so I'm always home by 3 or so, except on Wednesdays, that's the only day that I don't have class and/or work. So I have dubbed today writing day.

Speaking of writing I have been talking to my friend Stephanie on here a lot and we've come up with some really good ideas for CHFTFTY, the sequel and maybe even a surprise story. Who knows about the last one, but we're collaborating ideas and perhaps you might even see a surprise from her in CHFTFTY.
I already wrote the first couple of chapters for the seqeul and it will probably be almost completely finished by the time CHFTFTY finishes. I have the last chapter fully written as well, so I just have to fill in the rest of the story and everything. I'm not sure how many chapters it's going to end up being, but it won't be ending soon.
So no worries about that.

As for when the next update is going to be, I really couldn't tell you. I've been writing the sequel like crazy because for some reason I keep dreaming the story up and I've had to type it all out before I forgot it all.
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds might be updated soon, since it's short I've been writing out the entire thing and I'll start updating it when it's finished. As I said, it's a short story and there will be no sequel to it.

October 29th, 2008 at 05:23pm