

well im 15 getting my liscence in december.
im nervous as hell for getting my liscene because
im not the best driver. and take turns HORRIBLY.

i strive more then anything to be a muscian.
im learning how to play the acoustic guitar
and ive been told i have a good singing voice.

the only thing is, is that i dont know if they're
just saying im good, or if they really mean it.

i have the hunger to be something more then this
boring old time and i hope to achieve it one day.
i know its going to be hard but maybe since it will
be hard i will appreciate the fame when i possibly recieve it.

wow why and i spilling my heart out over a mibba journal?
because the computer is the only thing besides music that
wont judge me or laugh in my face.

i dont know if anyone will read this or anyone will care but its
better to get it out then hold it in right?

im a song writer to.
only 2 people that i actually know, know that i write songs.
maybe ill post them on here one day also, but im kind of afraid
that people will steal them.

SELF ETSEEM and me DO NOT get along.
i think im the ugliest, fattest, most unatrractive person ever.
its horrible to say that but its true.

wjajfsalkfja;djfkajf(#*$)(#* whatever im done rambling my fingers hurt aha...

October 29th, 2008 at 11:41pm