Anybody for tennis?

Okay, i would like to say one HUUUGE thank you to Oliver, Nancy, Tham and Curtis.
For making firday THE best halloween ever (:

I've never really done anything for halloween in the past. Normally sit at home and answer the door to trick or treaters, then eat the left over sweets (:
we normally only get 2 or 3 people, so there are LOADS of sweets left afterwards (:
But this halloween we went round Ollies.
We went to town for a bit and bought some cheap masks.
Then went to curtis' little cousins birthday party
although by the time we got there it was basically over
we ate the food cause we were all starving by the time we got there.
"its just a ten minute walk"
-an hour and a half later we turn up at a pretty much empty party-
we wanted to go on the bouncy castle but they put it down just as we were about to go on ):

Then curtis' mum gave us all a lift to Ollies
"oh god it's a renault clio"
it was a bit of a squash, four of us had to squeeze in the back and couldnt move
i couldnt get out cause my ass got stuck at first D:
then i basically fell out

We sat in Ollies summer house for a while
and played top spin on xbox
well the boys did
nancy and me made our own eentertainment by reading ollies FHM magazine and laughing at that
then taking pictures of the half naked men and women on curtis' phone and making new captions
"what shall we name this one?"
"i just creamed"
-i rename photo-
"ummm nancy, i think i renamed the wrong one"
-kate and nancy look at photo of curtis' dog with caption "i just creamed"-
-laughing fit for about 10 minutes-

Then we decided to go trick or treating and work our way up to robinswood hill.
We all shared the 2 masks we had.
and we decided to sing "we wish you a merry christmas" instead of saying "trick or treeeeaat"
at one house a little girl just stared at us, not looking very impressed at all.
at another there was a bunch of girls, under 10 i would say, who just shouted at us and told us we couldnt sing and to go on x factor, then shut the door on us. An adult then opened the door gave us sweets and the girls carried on telling us we sucked basically.
was much fun

we then got to Robinswood hill.
Pitch black, but only about 6:30 or 7ish
we had to go up a little pathway, me and nancy were shitting outselves cause it was creepy
we stopped by the animal bit, to have a debate about going all the way up to the top or just to go around the bottom, me and nancy really didnt wanna go all the way, so we were arguing for a while.
we used the flash on our mobiles as torches, a sheep scared the shit out of me as it moved.
we went round the bottom which wasnt that bad actually, even though there was alot of mud and puddles
after a bit nancy left to see her friend Tess.
And we all walked back to Ollies without her

We went to the summer house, where ollies parents had put a heater on for us, yes we were sleeping out there D:.
We had a noiice hot mug of hot chocolate and played some more tennis.
watched a bit of donnie darko [which is like my favourite film] but the guys didnt like it so they turned it off.
and we watched ricky gervais
which then got boring so we decided to watch 'The hitcher'
it wasnt that scary but was jumpy and gory.
I was sat next to ollie on the sofa with my legs over him cause he said i could (:
i kept hitting him everytime i jumped though.
this guy got ripped in half i was like O.O

we then played more tennis
then watched knocked up, which i swear went on forever.
then we played MORE tennis.

it was a great night tbh
next morning we woke up and guess what we did?
played more tennis.
then tham and curt went on the trampolining and me and ollie played fifa
which i lost
and suck at [there was alot of swear words and no goals scored on my half]
then got changed and what not and went to town, i felt like a zombie and had no make up on except foundation cause Ollie didnt have a mirror in his summer house, i couldnt care less though cause i felt like a zombie

Thanks Guys for the best halloween ever (:
November 2nd, 2008 at 04:53pm