Why oh why do eyes collide why won't it feel the same oh why oh?

It's the middle of the night and my mind is swirling with ideas that threaten to overwhelm me. I'm not quite sure if it's those same ideas that are keeping me up or if it's the fact I woke up at eleven yesterday morning. Maybe it's a combination of the both.

In any case, what I'm trying to say is this; it's the middle of the night and I am awake. This sucks on multiple levels because not only will I be tired in school tommorow, but I am also bored out of my skull. Being there's no one to talk to I am also thinking about relationships and love and how I'm wondering if it's actually possible to live for more then four months without a broken heart. People...if it's possible...please enlighten me on the issue.

What my mind is also containing this moment is visions of my father leaving our family to go over seas again, or on course (which, if you're wondering, will also take him an unreasonable distance from me.) This is not the kind of thing you want to have swiriling in your head when you have to go to school tommorow morning...just a warning to those of you reading this who are also awake in the middle of the night with no chance of sleep.

Another thing that is bothering me is the text messaging thing I have going on at this hour. I mean, if I'm supid enough to be up then whoopy, so is my ex boyfriend, and he has decided to text me. Why can't I just ignore him you ask? Well he happens to mean a lot to me and I suppose we do have a great deal to talk about.

Now...I guess I better be trying that whole sleeping again. Hopefully writing out my feelings will have cleared my head of the nonesense it contains, and my mind will be kind enough to offer sleep fo a few gental more hours.


Chipit The Emo Vampire
November 3rd, 2008 at 09:25am