At long bloody last

At last i finally have an interview for my job study
which was supposed to be in before half term but i just didnt get round to it cause im a lazy shit ;D
anyway i now have an appointment with some guy called Toby [i forget his surname], he's an educational psychologist.
which is what i wanna do when i'm older
i've never really told anyone that
i always get the feeling people will laugh at me =\
anyway i'm glad ive got that done now
all i have to do is some research and interview him next monday [10th november] after school
that is one huge weight off my shoulders :D

and ive just had a mini-argument with mother
because i feel like she doesnt trust me so i asked her about it
and she started on about how i went to cardiff
i find it quite a funny story tbh
i asked if i could go to birstol with my friiends
and they said i couldnt go
so i was like okay we'll go to cheltenham
instead we went to cardiff
and now shes like i told you not to go
i was like i didnt i went to cardiff not bristol
so technically i didnt disobey

anyway and then she starts about how i apparantly didnt revise for my SATs [which i mocks however..i cant say the same thing]
and how my brothers always revise
but just ebcause i get on and revise and i dont shove it down everyones throat about how much i revise doesnt mean i dont revise
eurgh its so annoying
then she got annoyed
and i came back to my room

and i caught up with all my gilmore girls episodes i missed
i love that show
logan is amazing i love him ;P

anywhoo woop woop
byee goiys X

woop i've just got my confirmation email for my appointment
i feel quite pleased with myself now
November 3rd, 2008 at 03:12pm