What makes a writer good?

Does anybody have an answer to that?

I have been wondering the answer to the question, but nothing comes to mind. A lot people says I'm a good writer for my poems (thanks), and certain people attack me for calling my poem shitty (*cough* you know who you are *cough*). I've been writing materials since 2 years ago. And I know I'm a semi-good writer since I made one teacher scream out Fabulous over one of my poem and many other addicted to them. But it never came in mind that i was talented (so what I'm being conceited), or actually can help out others.

Anyway, I post this Journal because i wanted somebody to answer the following question: What makes a writer good? And I also have another question, Why are so many writer tryin' to fake being sophiscated when their making themself a joke? Serioulsy I have seen people belive their stories and/or poem are like holy scripture. Come on people be yourself and somebody who "made it".

Thanks if you answer my question.

November 4th, 2008 at 02:53am