Man I'm always bored, I want something exciting to happen for once. Well i want to know what you guys think of my poems and stories or even if you have questions to ask me. I'm very friendly unless you are a crazy person and i don't mean crazy as in random i mean crazy as in scary. Okay so now I'm bored again i only write if i have free time on my hands it's not really my passion or something. My passion is to sing and if i become a singer in the future I'm still going to be on here =] i can't forget a website that has held my attention for more the a month or so. Add me if you want...comment pictures... do whatever I'm bored so I'll at least be entertained a little and i will comment you too so it's not like i'm being oh i don't know... demanding or something...





As you may be able to tell I'm BORED!!! haha anyways i just put up a new poem not to long ago so read and comment please *gives you the puppy eyes*
November 4th, 2008 at 08:08am