It needs to be said.

This is directed towards people in my community,
not toward any of you lovely Mibbians. (:


I'll be the first to admit that I really don't know shit about politics.

But from what I've been hearing from most of you, YOU DON'T EITHER.

I'm sick of these "die-hard republicans" supporting McCain because the republican party is against abortion.
That alone shouldn't determine your decision on who to vote for.
McCain himself hasn't even mentioned abortion once.
It's an issue that isn't a priority of his. If he wins the election, it will probably NEVER come up throughout the entire four years he's in office.

And the whole "McCain is just going to die in office" really pisses me off.
That's a terrible argument that idiots create because they have no real information to base their decision off of.

I do NOT support McCain in any way, trust me.
Personally, I hate both candidates.
But I DO feel that Obama is a better choice to lead our country.
I think America's doomed no matter what, though.

This isn't really a confession; it's more of a rant.
But it needs to be said, even if nobody listens.
November 5th, 2008 at 01:30am