2008 Election

So. I know how important the elections are and I'm glad us high school kids are involved for future voting, but good god. When does it end?
On the bus all that I heard talking about was the elections. I'm tired of it. And no, not tired of hearing it.
I'm tired of hearing that O'bama's going to get shot in office. And that McCain was going to die "because the old dipshit's already like 95 years old."
And then because O'bama's black, he's gonna get shot by the KKK? I mean, god, grow up.

On the other hand, I'm rooting for O'bama. I'm rooting for him because they both basically said the same things, but McCain said he was going to lower taxes and do all that.
O'bama said he was going to do the same things and raise taxes.
Don't get me wrong I'm not happy about that at all, like we aren't being taxed enough. But, at least he's truthfull.

Who are you voting for and why? Keep it nice, guys.
November 5th, 2008 at 01:37am